Health and well-being (Objective 3)

Ensuring health and well-being for all at all ages

  • Purchase of accident insurance for all employees to supplement existing health coverage provided for by the CCNL

  • Support for scientific research to defeat Friedreich's Ataxia through donations periodicals to the association "For Ilaria's smile" which has been active in this field for years

Gender equality (Goal 5)

Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls

  • Obtaining gender equality certification from accredited operating bodies based on UNI/PdR practice

Clean and affordable energy ( goal 7)

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy systems for all.

  • Research and installation in the company of Energy from suppliers that use renewable sources.

  • Installation of timers and complementary actions for energy savings.

  • Use of hybrid company vehicles.

Dignified work and economic growth (goal 8)

Incentivize lasting, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and dignified work for all.

  • Internal survey on satisfaction with the working environments, including the equipment provided and the common spaces.

  • Internal survey on the timing of the life-work alternation to introduce smart working policies and flextime.

Use of corporate Welfare instruments and surveys on their appreciation.

Businesses, Innovation, and Infrastructure (Goal 9)

Build resilient infrastructure and promote innovation and equitable, responsible,and sustainable industrialization.

  • Investment in hardware and software for process digitization

Fight against climate change (goal 13)

Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences.

  • Purchase of recycled paper for printers and stationery to be purchased in the “green section” of the catalogue.

  • Elimination of disposable plastic, use only of recyclable materials.

  • Maintenance an implementation of the ISO 14001 certification.

  • Intensification of separate waste collection.

  • Accounting for unavoidable emissions and reinvestment in projects to support the environment starting from the territory.

The idea at the center of this project is very simple: companies have a greater probability of success if they create value for all the subjects involved in the chain they generate, that is employees, customers, suppliers, and society at large.

Life on Land (Goal 15)

Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, halt land degradation, and stop the loss of biodiversity.

  • Non-repayable funding for beekeeping, support for organic honey production in the territory, and the expansion of bee families

Why choose MATRAS?

Our biggest resources are the people, for this we make sure to guarantee to our collaborators an optimal working environment. We try to give our contribute for the fight against climate change and to protect the environment by trying to achieve even more ambitious goals. We committed ourselves to train and inform our staff for this very purpose.

We are aware that an enlightened economic and social development also passes through sharing know-how and for this we strive to ensure that it becomes the heritage of our people and the communities in which they live, not just of our company.


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